Saturday, December 9, 2006

Appareils De Massage Anti Cellulite Rollen Massage

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Cellulite Lotion

by John Morris

What is worse than being fat? Stretch-marks? Close, but not quite. It�s actually the embarrassment of having unflattering cellulite on your body. Having bits of your body jiggle is one thing but having visible cellulite is actually just as gross for every woman. As we all know, not all of the female population in the world are born with the flawless bodies of Giselle Bundchen, Heidi Klum or Kate Hudson who have incredible sleek bodies. The word cellulite is actually the combination of the French word for cell and the suffix -ite, which pertains to disease.

Q. What Is Cellulite?

A. In the medical community, cellulite is known as localized lipodystrophy which actually pertains to the misshapen fat in one or several specific areas of one�s body. However, recent scientific research has shown that cellulite is in fact has less to do with the fat cells and actually more to do with connective tissue that shapes the fat in our bodies as well as keeps it in place. Most people often refer to cellulite as the fatty deposits that takes the form of uneven, wrinkled and dimply skin which can be found on either the thighs, hips and buttocks of most older women.

Q. Cellulite Only Affects Old People, Right?

A. Unfortunately, cellulite can actually be acquired by younger generations of women given that they have unhealthy eating habits and lifestyle choices that make them fat and prone to getting cellulite even at such a young age. Even when people lose weight and become slimmer in some body areas, their cellulite remains and will actually be the last stubborn fat on your body - it just won't go away. It's not impossible, but it is quite a challenge because acquiring cellulite actually occurs when the damaged fatty tissue accumulates.

Q. How To Get Rid Of Cellulite?

A. Exercise can be done to get rid of cellulite. If you are the impatient kind, cellulite lotions can fast track the cellulite reducing process. It is important to note, however, that you still have to be patient in order to see the effects from a cellulite lotion.

Q. Does Cellulite Only Affect Fat People?

A. The truth about cellulite is that you don�t actually have to be fat to acquire it - even Paris Hilton who has long been viewed as a perfect anorexic specimen has these unsightly body marks. Cellulite is basically just the trapped fat that our body can�t just simply burn off which is why we need all the extra help that we can get especially from cellulite lotions.

1. Cellulite Lotion

The miracle that has been brought by cellulite lotions have caused much relief and joy to the whole people population and they are just seeking better and more efficient cellulite lotions that even though may tend to be a bit costly, will be well worth their money spent. One of the most popular cellulite lotions in the market nowadays is the Vitamoor Contour cellulite cream which promises to be well worth your hard earned cash as well as gives you the smooth and even cellulite-free skin that you have always wanted to have.

Vitamoor Contour cellulite lotion that is being advertised on the internet through its cellulite clinic�s online website. Not only does the Vitamoor Contour cellulite lotion aims to metabolize or burn the fat in you body that causes you to have cellulite, this cellulite lotion also promises to be able to stimulate the restoration of the fat circulation in your skin and body.

2. Topical Creams

Topical creams such as the Vitamoor Contour cellulite lotion is far more safe to use as compared to the artificial drugs which tend to lay all sorts of claims when it comes to helping you out with your cellulite problem as the worse side-effect that you may get from cellulite lotions may actually just be as simple as developing a rash as an allergic reaction to a cellulite lotion�s ingredient.

This cellulite lotion actually consists of all natural ingredients from Austrian Moor, Wild Yam and other various plant extracts. These actually help to metabolize the fat that is trapped in your body while you work out in the gym or while you�re walking around and just going through your day-to-day activities. The ingredients of this cellulite lotion helps your body to heal the damaged tissues that are caused by the trapped fat. Austrian Moor is a unique substance that is especially preserved in the Alps during the last ice age and has been used by the ancient Romans for its various healing properties. It improves circulation, detoxifies as well as nourishes one�s skin. People all over Europe, as well as the North America, have been using the Austrian Moor ingredient in spas and clinics for treating stubborn cellulite as well as many other physical disorders for many, many years.

For more great cellulite lotion related articles and resources check out

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